Friday, June 29, 2012

The choices we make

The strongest principle of growth 
is in the human choice.

Wishing or striving to be decent,  is a conscious choice,  sometimes it takes a certain degree of effort, when we have conflicts, with our jobs or with the people in our life's it can drastically effect the world around us, when we are in a bad mood or angry we can inadvertently effect our loved ones,  friends or even the people we meet in a daily routine, happiness has the same effect, both are powerful one heals the other doesn't.
Have you ever found a cashier that was such a decent friendly person it made you smile and that changed the whole mood for the rest of the day, thus influencing every person that you come in contact with.
Or how about a driver on the road that is in such a rush that they fly by you double the speed shaking his fist and making rude gestures toward you.
The list can go on and on, but the end result is the same, our world is effected by many elements and sometimes we have no idea how something so simple as a smile or a wave, or a mean hurtful word can change everything in our lives,  and thus change the world for the people meet.
  I know from personal experience's that the world is just a reflection of ourselves, so if you are crabby or depressed, it feels like the world around you is darker and heavy, and it only gets worse the more you see of those heavy energies the deeper it can go  the only way to change the world around you is to make it happen, Sift your perspective, don't leave things like your happiness and well being to chance, granted somethings are unavoidable, but you can choose to be nice to people or be rude, if you choose to be decent it will have its own deep rewards the kindness will reflect back on you and the everything in the world around you,  sometimes the rewards will be ten fold and sometimes it might just be very small but even those small reward can have, long lasting positive healing effects that last a day or three later.
The choice is yours, regardless of how others act towards you, to be a decent person or not, see negative or choose to see the positive, love or hate, Smile or scowl.
We all are sensitive people and can have our feelings hurt, what we do after that or how we express the emotions that surface makes a huge difference, choose to make the world a better place or choose to perpetuate the pain......choose to heal the world around you by being decent to everyone even the rude people ( they need healing the most ) regardless how they react.
A kind world or gesture like a smile can make someones day  lighter or happier and thus effecting the world around us all.
So once again THE CHOICE IS YOURS.
I choose heal.

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