Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A brand new day

We may not be able to determine what the day brings, but we can influence how we not only bring in the day, but also how much joy and love we gain and share from it.
Do you feel you matter enough to make your moments really enchanting? Or are you too habituated to living in a fog? Throughout the world, only a few courageous people endeavor to stretch the limits of what is assumed to be possible; to adventure beyond the ordinary in countless different ways, for a greater expansion of consciousness and the fascination it brings. Are you one of them?
What has to happen for you to be intensely connected with the magnificence of creation, and be more present and alive in this moment than you have ever been before? Wouldn’t you relish each day if you knew how to promote new and elevating thoughts, feelings and perceptions, or even appealing variations on old themes? Can you imagine the relief you would feel when a high percentage of what you think, feel and perceive each day is no longer associated with the same worn-out tunes as what you experienced yesterday or will experience tomorrow, and the day after, ad infinitum?
That is why, the way you choose to frame reality with your inner eye, sets in play a whole range of creative and emotional forces. Every single moment, you are re-creating your own particular brand of reality. And if you are not happy with it, it is essential for you to learn how to envision life in a more skillful and satisfying manner. Therefore, to really “see” a better way of living, you first have to believe that a better way exists and then, follow it up with the best course of action to bring it about.
You can also learn to craft something exquisite out of every experience, by heightening your sense of touch. To be a genius of “in-sight,” you must train yourself to identify patterns of possibilities before they emerge. Examine the intricate designs of your unique behavior. Do you see how best to modify your present responses in each circumstance, so as to yield superb results? To ease matters in this area, learn to develop brilliant ways of sensing your reality.
For then, you will not only perceive a larger and more vibrant way of being, but will also begin to witness miracles in the minutest of things.
So, study fresh methods in which to amaze yourself daily. Pay heed to the richness and nuances of language. Be masterful in your communication, because it can spell the difference between an insipid life and an extraordinary one. Glimpse the vast texture and possibilities of refined speech. And give full attention to your relationship skills, because this is what defines your pedigree. Make your joy unique every day, by also discovering the vast sensory world that you can ‘visit’ without having to go anywhere special. Notice the stunning colours and cascades of sounds around you. Breathe in the astounding fragrances of the spices that bring sparkle to your meals. Look at a flower, and feel its delicate presence. Touch a tree and sense its life-giving sap and the slow burrowing of its roots.
You can also learn to craft something exquisite out of every experience, by heightening your sense of touch. This is because touch is said to be ten times more potent than verbal or emotional contact. Develop touch, and you will gain an acute sensitivity to the emotional “textures” of life. Keenness of touch also promotes greater responsiveness to the simplest of things, which you normally take for granted. So, let every sensation you can possibly feel or sense, be unsullied by past assumptions, thus making it vibrant and new. Know things in ways you have not known before, and your life will be far more interesting and enlivening than the entire entertainment industry put together.
To be a source of joy for yourself and others, for the longest period of time, stop driving yourself to achieve things of outer value only. Because, in the midst of your outer victories, you must remember to also nurture your inner values ~ especially the rapture that comes from being fully alive. So, whatever you do, make it enthralling, and witness the glow of deep fulfillment in your appearance, with every breath you take. Will a quick dip in and out of “pure delight” be sufficient to change the course of your life? Or would a prolonged submersion be more fruitful?
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