Friday, July 13, 2012

First love higher-self

It is only natural that every soul desires to be loved, and if you choose to  first love Self it will be easier to express it where others are concerned. See in yourself and others the "higher-self" find the good where others see only bad and you will find it in yourself,  release all judgment. You will find that life suddenly feels different, and you will find a peace that has no equal. 
Live and let be with all that is around you, and bless all those souls sharing your journey with your new peaceful nature. You will be an inspiration for them, and they will begin to understand, you have the ability to heal the world around you,  and it comes from with in.
People who are don't love the Higher Self can often get stuck in anxieties, feel they carry the world on their shoulders, feel there is no one there for them. However when you become aware, you realize you are NEVER alone, and have the love of the Universe at your fingertips through your bond with your Higher Self. What is a little paradoxical is that the more you work with it,  you switch perspectives and see yourself as your Higher Self. When you begin to operate this way, the light of your Higher Self shines through your personality to others and helps you be more peaceful about the trials of life on Earth. 
Knowing  my Higher Self helps to keep me from feeling lonely and I understand the pain of human interactions much better. I still make mistakes and have fears, but the ever present light of my Higher Self is there in my personality and awareness. 

How do you initiate contact with the Higher Self? 
You can do this simply by having the intention to follow your spiritual path or to walk in the Light, for example.  Prayer, meditation, doing things that open your mind to new ideas are all ways we can reach the expansive and unconditionally loving agenda of the Higher Self.

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