Friday, July 27, 2012

Skinned knees

If you could have one wish what would it be? 
If you could change one thing in your life would you?
What makes us who we are, what defines us?
Why do we act the way we do is it some guiding force, destiny, the miracle of Fate, the chance collision of molecules to create a unique event that spurs a series of events the releases energy that effects everyone and everything in the cosmos?

Walking down the street and you never know what might happen you might trip and skin your knee that might lead you  go to a store for bandages for that knee, while in the store, you drop your wallet and someone picks it up handing it back to you only to spur a conversation that leads to a new friendship that opens a whole series of doors for you where you to meet your future wife, husband, soul mate, the best job opportunity in your life, who knows what might happen and  all from a skinned your knee.

Thank you for skinned knees because you never know where they might lead.

And if you would change that one little event to avoid that skinned knee................. would you ?

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