Saturday, July 7, 2012

Spiritual Warrior Integrity

A true warrior is a model of integrity and upholds moral discipline without compromise.

A spiritual seeker has to face numerous inner battles to conquer desires. Self control is essential for a spiritual warrior.

Concentration, Alertness and Precision

A soldier on the battlefield must maintain constant vigilance to keep the mind alert so he can utilize all skills to maximum capacity with precision. To slip could mean sure death.

A spiritual warrior requires attentiveness to keep the reins of mind and emotions in control--to keep a constant vigilance. The Buddhists refer to skillful means, which boils down to right attitude and correct action.

All spiritual practices gradually develop our power of concentration. The ability to concentrate is essential for gaining insight as well as for applying all spiritual principles in practice. It is the key ingredient for conservation of energy and discipline in conduct as well.

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