Thursday, July 5, 2012

Spiritual Warrior Strength of character

Strength is a warrior-quality one normally considers in terms of intensity of physical force. For a spiritual warrior, and even for a soldier, strength of character is what's vital. It takes a deep inner strength to maintain principles in the face of adversity and challenges.

Mahatma Gandhi-ji set a prime example. He displayed incalculable inner strength to maintain a standpoint of non-violent action and an attitude of non-aggression during the freedom fighter era. His inner strength was so vast it swept an entire nation with the inspiration to gain independence through non-violent means. Fasting and imprisonment proved tools of sacrifice more powerful than any weapon.

Nelson Mandela, when he emerged from years of imprisonment, exemplified the use of moral muscles to overpower long standing, deep-rooted hatred, transforming enemies into allies. His resilience sets an example of how inner strength can empower nations.

As spiritual warriors, life presents constant opportunities to exercise inner strength and fortitude.

"A man of character finds special attractiveness in difficulty, since it is only by coming to grips with difficulty that he can realize his potentialities."

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