Tuesday, August 14, 2012



We have a strange system that breeds bad relationships. It has always been my opinion that to enter into a relationship is voluntary, sure there are times when we intermingle based off lower frequencies but upon further examination they are an outward mirror of what needs to be fixed in oneself.

The old saying that you will never be happy with anyone if you are not happy with yourself is as real as it gets. This goes for both parties. You will never be able to fix someone. You are not responsible how other people feel, upon realizing this you can release any self imposed guilt from relationships.

People resonate together for purposes that they are not even aware of.  It is my opinion that imposing regulation/rules from exterior origins can and will choke relationships, i.e. the mother/father that gets married for the children, when living in an unhappy bonding will resonate to the child no matter how hard you try to conceal it.

I hold some things as self evident such as each of us has a path to spiritual growth that is regulated by none other than ourselves. If one person in a relationship has started moving forward and raising their thought patterns to one of love, it can be difficult to understand that your partner resists the change.

Each relationship is different, consisting of two unique personalities with their own issues to work out. You have to weigh the cost/gains and then make a decision. the right decision is not always the easiest, I have had to break off relationships because I knew upon reflection that even though we were friends it was not the proper fit. If i had  not, I would not be who i am today. You have to focus on your own fears to heal them.

As you step out of fear and into love you will create an environment of change around you, your partners will then resonate closer or further away, but it is not your job to stop them, or change them, but to accept their reactions as evident of your own changing. it is very possible that you will be able to show them through your own life and decisions the path, but to hold oneself responsible for the success/failure of the relationship is unhealthy for you.

Guilt is an internal alarm system, like a smoke detector  It allows us to realize when we might have hurt someone or done something against our spirit.  Once the alarm goes off it is best to reassess your actions, learn the lesson, then turn off the alarm.  You would not allow your smoke detector to continue to ring days after you have removed the burnt toast from the toaster, would you?  Holding onto guilt unduly is detrimental to your well being.

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