Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tired? Perk Up with Feng Shui

Feng Shui tips 
Are you tired all the time?
Fatigue is a common problem in our society, as people try to juggle the demands and stresses of daily life: family, children, a career, romance, health, not to mention any hobbies or things we do for fun in those precious rare moments that we have free time. The uncertainty of the economy and keeping pace in a career to maintain job security puts a strain on health and relationships and, at the end of the day, it all makes many people very tired, if not completely exhausted.
The first step to feeling more awake is using Feng Shui in your bedroom for a better night’s sleep. But, often, even when people think they’re sleeping well, they wake up tired. According to commonly cited statistics, 20 percent of Americans have fatigue that interferes with their lives. More than 800,000 adults have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, while others simply feel tired all the time although a medical cause has not yet been discovered.
But, no matter how tired you feel and even if your fatigue or tiredness is caused by diagnosed medical ailments, there are ways to naturally boost your mood and your energy. I’m not saying Feng Shui can replace medical science if you’ve been diagnosed with CFS or Adrenal Fatigue, but there is good news. No matter what’s making you tired, there are small, easy changes you can make to your environment — your home, apartment or workplace — that will increase your energy. Here are a few Feng Shui tips to get started feeling better right away.
Make sure mirrors don’t “cut” your image in to pieces or are not hung too high or too low.  Do you, or other residents of your home or apartment, suffer from low self-esteem? People with low self-esteem expend more energy on things such as introducing themselves to new people, speaking in front of a crowd, or taking chances in ways that may benefit them in the long run.
Mirrors that are cut into pieces, and, as a result, break your own image apart, contribute to low self-esteem, as do mirrors that distort your image or cut off the top of your head or the bottom of your chin.  Follow Feng Shui principles for mirrors, making sure they are are hung properly to give your self-image, and your energy, a boost!

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