Friday, September 14, 2012

Still Point

The Still Point is where the deep rest we need to fuel our multi-faceted, independent-but-actually-when-you-think-about-it-making-new-webs-of-connection-that-are-just-different-from-our-forefathers lifestyles. 

The Still Point is where we begin to hear that peep! peep! of our inner GPS, the innate knowledge of what's good for us, who to align with, and when to act and when to just sit still and wait. 

The Still Point is where we begin to actually experience--instead of thinking, talking, or reading about--that thing, that lovely indescribable gossamer durable powerful thing: Connection.

The goal in any meditation is to get close enough energetically to the Source — the Stillpoint — to allow yourself to be guided — that is, to be receptive enough to perceive the messages  be they visual, audible, or simply feelings or knowing our direction. Position yourself to go with the Flow of Creation as your individual lights and allow.

The simplest, easiest way to get in touch with your Higher Power at any moment, anywhere, is to simply "put your butt on a rock." That is, during the day — at work or wherever — go out and put your base Chakra on the Earth. Lean against a wall, or sit on a planter — something, anything, that connects to the Earth — and then simply breathe.

Prana breathing is good for this. Another method is the Gassho Meditation taught by William Lee Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training. To do this meditation:

Clasp your hands in the prayer position and focus on the middle fingers.

As a thought arises, gently brush it aside until the mind is free, clear, and empty.

In other words, just practice breathing, centering, grounding — and put the intention out that you will be guided by your Higher Power in all you do. You will be surprised at how effective this is.

And it can be done anywhere. I do it a lot, just go outside and ground, center, breathe. Any passersby just think I'm taking a break.

If you do this, you will find yourself refreshed and calm, center-directed — acting and not just reacting. You can then proceed with full mind, body, and Spirit to address any question, and let the energy flow.

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