Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ways to Find Inner Strength

Many people define inner strength as a force of will. Oddly, true inner strength is often just the opposite. To find real inner strength, we have to find a way to weather life's tribulations with peace and calm. It's by letting go of our force of will, rather than by clinging to it, that we can find this inner strength. There are many different traditions that can help.

One practice that can help you find inner strength is yoga. Yoga comes from a Sanskrit word which means "yoke." The purpose of yoga is to create a union between the mind and the body. Most people in the United States are familiar with the practice of asanas or postures in yoga. In fact, there's a lot more to yoga than that. In yoga, you must coordinate the movement with the breath in order to create a mindful state. Popular types of yoga include Ashtanga yoga, Power Yoga, Iyengar yoga and Bikram yoga.

Meditation is also essential to a full yoga practice, and is often practiced immediately after asana practice. Yogic meditation is relatively simple. You just sit on the floor with the hands in a cosmic mudra and the backs of the hands resting on your knees. Then follow the breath with your mind. If you like, you can also chant a mantra such as a word or phrase that helps you to find inner strength.

Traditional Chinese spiritual practices such as Buddhism are very conducive to a sense of inner peace. Buddhism is unlike other spiritual practices, as it doesn't center around a deity. Thus it can be practiced in concert with other religions or spiritual practices in some circumstances.

The Buddha saw our attachments and desires as the cause of suffering. He sought to eliminate that suffering by helping people to achieve a sense of non-attachment from the people, things and ideas in their lives. Buddhist meditation can help you to find inner strength by eliminating these attachments. There are many different kinds of Buddhist meditation, including Vipassana (insight) meditation, Metta (loving-kindness) meditation and Samatha (tranquility) meditation. Choose whichever variety best helps you to find your inner strength.

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