Monday, October 8, 2012

Imagination is more important than knowledge

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
~ Albert Einstein

We develop the power of imagination as children. As we grow older, we forget to use it creatively. With creative visualization you use your imagination to create your own journey.

Everything that we create or has ever been created had to be imagined first. A building has to be designed before it can be build, a painting has to be imagined before it is painted, and the dinner you are cooking is first imagined.

Spontaneous imagery is different from visualization relaxation. Imagery rich information - dreams, memories, fantasies, expectations we place upon the world - is continuously arising from our consciousness. With visualization relaxation, you consciously create and shape the stream of imagery into your own creation.

With regular practice of relaxation imagery exercises, you will be able to evoke sense of peace, calm your mind, and relax your body.

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