Saturday, October 13, 2012

Visualization Relaxation

Visualization relaxation is a relaxation technique that uses the power of your imagination to reduce anxiety, induce feelings of peace and calm, and bring on a general sense of well-being.

Although similar to daydreaming, visualization relaxation differs from daydreaming because you are in conscious control of what your are imagining.

Visualization is not always visual. Some people see images, some people get vague impressions and snatches of images. Other people have tactile or auditory imaginations.

Visualization then is an inner process that invokes and uses all five senses.

When you practice visualization relaxation, involve as many of your senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch) as you can.

Visualization Relaxation Exercises

Successful visualization/imagery takes practice. If you need some guidance while doing these visualizations, you can pre-record the instructions into a tape recorder. To get started, find a quiet place, get comfortable, and begin with the following guided imagery exercises.

Your special place

Pick a favorite place. It could be a garden, a waterfall, a room, or anything else. A place where you feel good and safe. Now, close your eyes and go to that favorite place. Walk around slowly and notice the colors and textures around you. What do you see? ... What do you feel? ... What do you hear? ... What do you smell? Take your time while you walk around. Spend some time exploring each of your senses. And notice how good and relaxed you feel.

Remember these sensations, they are the sensations of your very special place. A place where you can relax. Say to yourself: "I am relaxed, my body feels warm and heavy, I am safe here". Enjoy the feeling of deep relaxation.

When you are ready, gently open your eyes and come back to the present moment.

Day at the beach

Imagine - It is a beautiful sunny are walking on a beach...the sky is blue...the water is crystal hear the sound of gentle waves lapping, as the light breeze caresses your skin...the white sand feels warm on your bare feet and between your are wearing flowing light clothes and breathing deeply, inhaling the smell of fresh ocean air...a sense of freedom washes over your lie down and let your body sink into the warm soft sand...your are completely sink deeper and deeper into relaxation...

When you are ready, gently open your eyes and come back to the present moment.

Imagery for tension release

Imagine an object or a color that represents stress to you. For example, you can imagine color red, or a rope with knots, or a loud startling noise. When you have your image, say to yourself: "I release tension". Imagine your image slowly transforming into something calming. The color red can slowly fade into a nice soft and gentle color pink. The rope with knots can slowly transform into a smooth and soft silk or velvet fabric. And the loud noise can gradually transform into a soothing sound of ocean waves. When you are done with the transformation, say to yourself: "I am relaxed".

When you are ready, gently open your eyes and come back to the present moment.

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