Monday, November 26, 2012

Our paths

Our paths take us on many magical journeys, sometimes to see the wizard as a friend used to tell me and some times its to fight off the hordes of mindless zombies trying to eat our brains ( please don't mind the metaphor's ).
Sometimes we find our selves lost completely in a dark woods with so many choice's ahead of us we have no clue on were to go or what to do.
At this point we need to learn to silence and move past our fears, "fear is the mind killer" as Frank Herbert said the rest of the quote goes 

"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past 
I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there 
will be nothing.
Only I will remain"

This quote has followed me for my whole life, and its so odd this whole story originally came to me at the moment of my best friends death back in the early 80's reminding me that we all are human giving me a clear perspective through the foggiest time in my life, standing at the bedside of my closest friends, a deeply spiritual and brilliant person at the age of 18 snuffed out by a industrial paper shredder, watching life slowly slip away thinking then what the hell am I going to do now loosing the only person that I used to spend whole summers with hanging out and doing goofy stuff with, I mean how many 18 year old kids meditate, or learn about shamanism,  well at least back in the 80's, so I did the only thing I could and that was live, granted that was completely horrible and so much pain, little did I know his energy would be with me for a long long time. 

As for your path? If  you find yourself lost in the dark woods of life like I have many time scared and lonely have faith in the wonders the universe, have faith and trust in your self and know you are loved even if it doesn't feel that way at times love is all around you and its in everything don't deny it give into it.

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