Friday, December 21, 2012


When you meditate, you calm your mind by making it one-pointed rather than scattered and distracted. 

Many spiritual traditions teach their students concentration as the primary meditation practice.
Just keep focusing your mind on a mantra, symbol, or visualization,  and eventually you’ll attain what’s called absorption, or samadhi

sa·ma·dhi n. (pl. -dhis) [HINDUISM] & [BUDDHISM] a state of intense concentration achieved through meditation. 

In this absorption, the sense of being a separate “me” disappears, and only the object of your attention remains. Followed to its natural conclusion, the practice of concentration can lead to an experience of union with the object of your meditation.
Become one with everything become one with the universe, be it one thing or all things, find the still point and breath into it and become one with all.
In this relaxed or oneness state everyday struggles seem so small and meaningless the events that normally gave us great difficulty roll off our backs like rain rolling off a leaf.
  When we can allow our life struggles to not impede our progress we truly can accelerate our path and direction in life and nothing becomes unattainable.
So find the still point be in the still point be alive and free, its our true nature and where we were meant to BE

Peace out

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