Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Soul Retrieval

The intent of this ceremony is to heal soul loss by gifting soul elements, medicine gifts and a power animal to the Client.

Indication for soul retrieval is soul loss. Soul loss may be expressed by a person as feeling or thinking that something is missing, they do not feel whole or their empty inside and they do not know how to get it back, though they have tried other therapies or intervention strategies. Behavioral health intervention does not heal soul loss. There are wounds to the soul due to experiences in the person's life that causes a part of their essence to be shut off to them, or lost to them in some way. At times, someone may make an erroneous, unconscious bargain to give a piece of their soul in exchange for what is perceived as necessary to their survival, i.e., love, attention, protection, etc. It is important to understand that these decisions usually are not thought of at the time as involving the soul and may not be made consciously. They often occur at a very young age without a conceptual understanding of the bargain being made. Additionally, a person may not remember when a piece of their soul was taken or "lost."

Soul loss may occur in the present life or may be carried over from a past life. It is safe to say that most people will incur some amount of soul loss throughout their lifetime, though most often it is out of the person's awareness. Soul Retrieval is a healing process of returning the energy the essence of you and what is yours back to you. It is possible for a person to function without knowledge of what is missing. 

Traditionally, it is accepted that only Shamans initiated into a Shamanic tradition and trained in the application of the soul retrieval ceremony are qualified to perform soul retrievals. It is recommended that others not attempt this procedure. The function and responsibility of the Shaman is to know where to journey to the most appropriate spiritual landscape for retrieving the energy of the person's missing soul or essence so it may be retrieved and gifted to the person. 

Soul Retrieval Ceremony is a complicated healing process that brings positive outcomes to the person mentally, emotionally and physically, and often takes more than one session to accomplish. If you think or feel you have Soul Loss contact me at 

The Soul Retrieval Ceremony has the potential to heal and change your life now.

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