"To thine own self be true"
Hamlet Act
1, scene 3, 78–82 Shakespeare Quote...
We spend a huge portion of our life being told what to do, growing up if we don't understand something we ask our elders for advice or direction, or they just tell us how to act or feel, our jobs basically order us around all day long, if we are weak will or submissive the people in our life's tell us how to live or think, in school its the teachers jobs to teach us and while in school we have to follow what they tell us.
At some point if we don't trust ourselves we never get the chance to grow, our path will become stagnant and boring, sometimes illness can occurs, our energy systems, our own personal compasses KNOW what direction to take, we all know wrong from right, if we choose to ignore those internal intuitive messages we become confused our Natural instinct becomes clouded and miss guided, we find ourselves constantly looking to other people for help, when the answers are all inside all along we just have to trust our gut instinct.
All those times we get told what to do by parental units, bosses or our teachers, are going to happen they are part of our developmental cycle they are essential it can be a difficult process but if you can become strong enough stand your ground or wise enough to see them for what they are truly amazing things can result.
If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man
as it is, infinite.
For man has closed himself up, till he sees all
things through narrow chinks of his cavern."
Aldous Huxley The Doors of Perception (1954)
How can you become strong internally and see things as they are ?
Meditation, Yoga, T'ai chi ch'uan there are infinite ways to develop you internal muscles, all are good and only the ones that resonate with you can lead you on your correct path, in my opinion that is the best way to take you first step on a incredible path.
Find a eternal discipline that you connect with, work with it allow it to manifest change in your life, when you feel results and recognize it for what it is, you are then listening to your internal voice, trust it and honor it be grateful for it, then when people that try tell you do things that don't resonate with you it seems trivial and you wont feel obligated to pursue a path that has no interest, granted people are still going to share there interests with you its human nature, its a great way to find like minded people, but that doesn't mean you have to follow a path out of obligation, it just means that path is not for you or your not ready for it yet.
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