Monday, July 30, 2012

Evaluate and Identify

Evaluate and Identify

Pay closer attention to yourself. Put yourself under the 'microscope' to say. Evaluate your desires and what makes you happy. Pay close attention to what repels you and find out the source behind them. Learn to listen to that voice that has always told you right from wrong.
Explore your doubts. Make an effort to identify your emotions as they come, to be able to separate them so you can identify why it is, to find out why you think and react the way you do.

Most of these questions should come naturally and yet some are going to be very uncomfortable or painful to dig into. Men, in particular, use anger to mask a variety of
emotions without thinking about it.

Truly look at yourself in the mirror and take an honest look into your core, as only you can. Once you take full measure of yourself, create the intention to change and heal yourself. Changing your outlook on life, and therefore creating a new reality, is not as hard as it

Like a habit you have to want to change these areas. Every fear and hurt you fill with love will make you stronger. How do I fill it with love? Simply choose to see positive, choose to see the glass half full.

Use the daily drama to practice your new outlook and things will get brighter, I promise you. Love will flow it is the way of the universe, just open yourself to change. That is the hardest part and you are already on the path!

Things won't always be sunshine, and for a while it will be hard to heal and stay centered to resist the fear based emotions of anger, depression, and confusion. Just fall back onto the new knowledge you have of yourself and you will find strength. Eventually you will be healed and your love will grow exponentially. Things that bothered you before, you can find humor in. Oh to walk through your day sharing smiles, love and compassion to everyone you come in contact with. Life becomes an adventure full of possibilities. Know that you are strong,
nobody can hurt your spirit but you. There will always be people to help and support your growth along the way!

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