Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Past and Future

What is the past except how we view it, in relation to how one views the world in the present? For example, a person who has been the focus of hardships all their life, could view the past as a terrible experience.  In this way the negative frequencies attached to past memories affect your decision making in the present, by resonating with a negative outlook of life.

So the guy who sees the past as terrible, is really living in fear of past experiences, whether they realize it or not. This low frequency overshadows every encounter that person has in the present. Free will is a beautiful thing. We have the ability to change our frequency, we just have to make the decision to think positive. It takes a while of practice but you will start to see things differently, brighter.

Once we make the free will decision to raise our thought patterns we can then turn to our past with new eyes. We can then discern the truth that everything that has come against you has made you strong. In this way our loss becomes victory and the past then affects us differently in the present. We know how strong we are and we are better prepared for the drama that will come in the future.

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