Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Perception Creates Reality

To me, perception creates reality. If I believe it and perceive it as real, I can assure you it is real to me. The same goes for everybody. Essentially any illusions we live under are of our own making, yes they can be supported externally by manipulation of information, but that in itself is dependant on the individual's drive for truth.

As new information is presented, perceptions may be changed. What you believe today is not what you will believe tomorrow. It is growth, creation. There may be physical restrictions such as governments, etc. but at the heart of it relies on how we individually see ourselves.

All people search for truth and love, through a variety of viewpoints, religions, or traditions. Are they wrong for the choice of experience, whether catholic or wiccan? Or is the very fact that they search not evidence of growth? The information can be controlled externally, but the illusion is created internally. Too many people want to point a finger and blame a big bad entity, whether governments or devils.

The Illusion is designed by each of us to do exactly what we are here for, to gain experience. To create an environment where we can turn our hearts from love and experience fear, to know and understand the value of living in love. It takes the bad to appreciate the good.

To live under illusions is all part of our plans, but so too is waking up from the illusions. To return to the love of all that is.
Sometimes we may get hung up in the illusions and forget what is waking world and what is the illusion, I personally find having friends and community is truly essential, in this day and age when we  tend to live vicariously thew the internet or some other means and have not much human interaction our soul can feel diminished and fractured, plain old human contact IS ESSENTIAL to living a happy life and one true way to know that your loved and not alone is a simple hug a hand shake or holding someones hand and that can make the difference on so many level trust me I know try spending a decade without a hug  or any human contact life is so fragile before you know it everything is gone and the truly important things your family and friends, spouses are not there, I think the saddest thing in the whole universe would be to spend the rest of a incredible life and not share it with at lease one person you can call friend.
Love EVERYONE!!!! not matter what they do or how they act!

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