Saturday, July 21, 2012

Spiritual Perception

"It is your spiritual perception, and Right to create love, balance and harmony everywhere you go and with whom ever you meet. Living in harmony with all life is a higher level of consciousness, and it shows that you have achieved a state of unconditional love. 
Finding and meeting,  special people in your life is a truly admiral goal along this path,  Meditation and merging with your Higher Self will assist with the process.

Letting go of the ego and what is holding us back basically freeing ourselves from what we perceive as important or cool.
Cleansing the doors of perception will allow us to see things as they really are, seeing things as they truly are allows us to see past the distractions of the junk and the mental debris we pick up from day to day, all those things  that have been imbedded in our brains from T.V. or the vast stimuli the world produces.
All these things serve a vast purpose but unless we choose to step away from them and attempt to clear out that baggage they've created we get hung up on a perception of reality, a perception that is clouded at best, and don't understand when we become confused and wonder why things don't work out.
We end up having a perception of a chain of event that should happen and certain way and when they don't we become frustrated and give up, walk away, loose focus.
Plain and simple sometimes our brains need a flush to clear out that build up........

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