Monday, July 23, 2012

Lifes little pleasure's

There are times when we stop and have to remember to smell the metaphorical rose's and be grateful for what you have and even what you have lost, sometimes we loose everything and sometimes we have nothing to loose, 
Those wonderful people we have in our lives our family our pets, we can loose all that sometimes in the blink of a eye without ever having the chance to express our love and gratitude for them.
Some people just drift away and never see them again, then there are times when some don't give you a chance.
 Whats can really be sad, is there are so many that wont even try to see you for what you are,  the Beauty, the Strength even the Weakness, at our core level every single persons is Beautiful but these people they wont even give you the time of day, why?  because they have prejudged you some how thinking they are better than you or thinking  that you are lower then them or just scared to talk to you, the truth is left to chance simply because we have no idea why these people wont connect and we have to make that info up on our own.
Deep down in my heart I wish I could meet and have a chance to get to know every single person and become friends with them as well or at least shake there hands once.

Don't forget to take a moment hug you Mom,  Dad your cat or best friend, son daughter that awesome person you just met, and let them know how glad you are for there presence for these moments may never come again, love and friendship can be fleeting, time fly's, every single person that we meet is deeply important in so many levels , don't wake up one day and wonder how did you get to a point where you feel completely alone, the world is to big a place and to many people are in it to be lonely.

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