Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chinese Medicine Doctor

Chinese Medicine Doctor 

The typical Chinese medicine doctor plays a much different role than a physician practicing conventional medicine. The biggest difference between Eastern medicine vs. Western medicine is those who practice Chinese medicine serve as assistance to aid in the maintenance of health, not to fix things when they are broken. This is because traditional Chinese medicine puts a heavy focus on illness prevention and the patient bears the bulk of the responsibility to live a healthy lifestyle aided by their doctor. In fact, many Chinese medicine doctors don't get paid unless their patients stay healthy, unlike conventional doctors who get paid when their patients are sick.
People seek the consult of these experts to guide them in the right direction and to recommend remedies when one does fall ill. Chinese medicine is extremely complicated; so many people rely on the experts in this practice to provide them with the answers they seek when they become ill or need to make a change in their lifestyles.
The concept surrounding this Eastern medicine is that any illness is caused by an imbalance of an individual's qi, or body energy. There are a variety of ways to regain balance of the qi, and thus regain health, and it is the job of the Chinese medicine doctor to figure out the best path. Whether it is acupuncture, Chinese herbology, martial arts, massage, or one of the many other remedies, the doctor must know and be able to explain to their patient how it will restore their eternal balance.
Once a patient is healthy, the doctor's job is still not done. People continue to seek the guidance of their doctor in order to remain healthy, as that is the primary goal of this practice and number one job of the doctor.

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