Monday, August 27, 2012

Love and the Illusion

The only thing I know that can bring people together is love. It crosses languages, cultures, borders, and even war zones. It is the connection between all of us, it connects us with the Prime Creator, with our planets, with every physical manifestation of energy that we perceive as solid. It is all just frequencies/vibrations through love energy from the source. I like the image of each of us as single light rays from the sun. Everything the light touches receives energy, information, and love. But no matter how far the light ray goes, it is still connected to the sun. It is this "light", and our concept of this energy is still infantile, that flows through our chakras, grounded by Mother Earth. We are the LIGHT!

Every person on this planet has a desire for love. Yes we have been manipulated, but we helped in the creation of these limitations. Even with all the regulation and illusions we live in, people will always search for love.

The illusion has to trick us into believing that the love we search for can be achieved through twisted means, so we will freely choose wrong over right, thus closing our crown chakra,and limiting our love. We lose the conscious connection to the Prime Creator and thus lose our connection to each other.

So would the correction not be opening love channels to ourselves and creating brotherhood?

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