Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Meditation on Being Alone without Feeling Lonely

We can be alone in a room and not feel alone. When I am reading a good book I do not feel alone.
When I am exercising or writing I do not feel alone.
The human species is social - we interact with each other in nearly every aspect of living. So, the desire to socialize comes up even if our personal activities are fulfilling to us.
Loneliness is felt when we have become dependent on someone or something outside of our own being to 'provide' personal happiness.

Feeling complete is really just a state of mind and so is loneliness we live we breath and exist in powerful and wonder moments.
 When we forget to live in the moment we miss the sheer beauty that is laid out right before us,  when this occurs it gives the heavy energies like sadness and depression, fear, and of course loneliness to subtly creep in and grab our attention, from that point the rest seems pointless then we find ourselves struggling with the bonds that are formed on our hearts, not knowing how to remove them we search outward looking for answers in all the wrong places.
In modern society it’s pretty much the norm to solve your issues by creating more issues like getting drunk over eating watching TV all this and so much more because we are so afraid to look inside just to see what we perceive is going to be ugly, scary and horrific, but the cold hard truth is we are all incredibly beautiful and healing souls.
That internal energy that we find through meditation, tai-chi, yoga, shamanism and so many more internal medicines are there for a reason to bring us back to center and reminds us who we are, it grounds us in the moment and tells us that its ok to love ourselves that we all make mistakes and forgiveness and self-love is and can be the most rewarding and healing key element in the known universe.

I want to take a silent moment and breath healing energy to all moments in my past, present and future being grateful for Shaman circles that are willing to take a moment  and tell me what they see when they look at me, Big strong Didgeridoo playing friends that can always make me smile and laugh so hard and feel alive and happy, caring gentle new friends that hold my hands and look into my eyes and let me know that everything will be ok, energy sharing friends, coffee sharing friends job finding friends, video game friend, long lost friends, people I’ve wronged people that have wronged me, teachers,  lovers, strangers that smile from their eyes and say hello without saying a single word, all the people everywhere that can accept and understand that we all deserve the love we give and receive and even the people that can’t accept it.
What would life be if we didn’t have love and never felt happy?

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