Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Rhythms of the Univese

On a sunny afternoon while sitting on a small dock and watching a bog slowly move drift and breath, I found my self in a trance watching it and chatting with a friend,  I started thinking about the rhythms of life and how we all shift and change and how we are so linked to the the world around us, our life's in constant state of change like the seasons some cold some hot some are just right and the ones that a just right might not be right for someone else its whats right for you that matters.
 There was the so much fun energy that was happening all around us the frogs peaking out of the water long enough to see the fly it would gobble up, the birds buzzing around near by saying hi in there own way, the chipmunk that would climb up and down limbs making the branch his home long enough to take care of business and then move to the next one and then the Cicadas those incredible Cicadas the buzz they make used to drive me nuts years ago now it takes me back to those meditated nights and makes me feel whole again grounded centered truly in the moment,  its like something that's been missing from my life,  I was recently was made aware of there song  by some truly awesome people the Cicadas song can be very grounding and filled with love and magic thank you for that song.
I could go into all sorts of details on Life rhythms but I think this is enough for now I have one closing quote.

“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose and everything, EVERYTHING happens for a reason"




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