Saturday, December 8, 2012

Getting in the Meditation Frame of Mind

The great thing about meditation is that it’s actually quite simple. Just sit down, be quiet, turn your attention inward, and focus your mind. That’s all there is to it, really.

You can consider the practice of meditation to be a journey of sorts
with many alternative routes to your destination, there are many basic skills you need to know to get you there — and points of interest on this guided tour and of course some detours that may advertise the same benefits but that don’t really deliver.

Here are a few of the many meditation techniques that have been developed over the centuries and that continue to be used.

Repetition of a meaningful word or phrase, known as a mantra
Mindful awareness of the present moment 
Following or counting your breath 

Paying attention to the flow of sensations in your body 

Cultivation of loving kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and other healing emotions

    Concentration on a geometric shape or other simple visual object

      Visualization of a peaceful place or a healing energy or entity

        Reading and reflecting upon inspirational or sacred writings

          Gazing at a picture of a holy being or saint

            Contemplation of nature

              Chanting praises to the Divine

              You may have no interest in lofty states and experiences like enlightenment or union. Perhaps you find yourself drawn to Meditation simply because you want to reduce your stress or enhance your healing process or deal with your emotions.
              In the end if you feel better more relaxed at ease and at peace with the world around you then a beautiful incredible goal has been achieved and when we achieve such a goal our life's are so much better and we affect the world that we interact with making the world a better place 

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